SubPLY online services
Step by Step How to Order
1. Add video
Link a file to SubPLY. Use any YouTube video link, a link to your file or to your FTP
Or Upload a file to SubPLY. Upload any avi, mov, mp4, m4v, mpg, flv or wmv, up to 300mb/video
Let us know what your video source language is.
When the video file is linked or uploaded and the source language is defined the 'Next' button will become Green - Click it
2. Select Service
Select Transcript or Captions + Transcript. Only checked services will be highlighted and will be included in the total.
The total of each service will be the service units (video length rounded or fix service
count) times the service price.
Selecting a service will open additional language or service options.
Services can be Translated Transcripts or Subtitles.
Files can be TXT, SRT, SBV YouTube, DFXP, Combined DFXP (for more the one language) and M4V iOS (iPhone) file.
When a service is chosen the 'Next' button will become Green - Click it
3. Add another video or Pay with PayPAL
Add another video to your order. Use the option 'Use the same services and the same source language' if this is true. It will make the process much faster. You will be able to update your order per video, if needed, later on.
After adding another video, if needed, use the ‘Back’ button to update your order related to each video. Use the checkbox if you wish to disable a video. Use it again to include it in the order. When done click the ‘Pay with PayPal’ button.
Thank you!
When your return from Paypal, you will be directed to the Thank You page. Keep track of your orders from your account.