SubPLY online services > Files > Combined DFXP File

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Combined DFXP File

Flash timed text format.

More on DFXP file

A combined .DFXP file is a timed text format that was created by Adobe for their free player skins that enable viewers to choose from subtitles in different languages. The file includes 2 or more languages.


<tt xml:lang="en" xmlns=""
            <style id="b1" tts:fontWeight="normal"
                tts:color="#ffffff" />
        <div xml:lang="es" style="b1">
            <p begin="0:00:04.840" end="0:00:07.740">
                Sin duda no es un extraño en la<br/>
                última final de la temporada.
            <p begin="0:00:07.970" end="0:00:12.340">
                Boris Becker se clasificó 8 veces para<br/>
                las finales - y ganó tres.
        <div xml:lang="en" style="b1">
            <p begin="0:00:04.840" end="0:00:07.740">
                He's certainly no stranger to the<br/>
                season-ending finale.
            <p begin="0:00:07.970" end="0:00:12.340">
                Boris Becker qualified for the Finals<br/>
                8 times - winning three of them.